For MyNabes, Halloween is one of our favorite time of the year. Since we are moms of young kids, we love to witness how excited they are every time they see a decorated house. 

We made our top 10 of the best Halloween decorated house!


#10 The full decorated one

Full decorated house for halloween


This house in Edmond Oklahoma won the price for best Halloween decorated house in the neighborhood. We can understand why!


#9 The creepy one

Creepy house for halloween

This one is really creepy! Can you imagine how much time it took them to put this giant spider and her web on this roof?


#8 The inflatable one

Spooky home decor for hallowwen

They are even ready for Christmas!


#7 The string light one

String light for halloween

Photo: Donald Durham/Flickr


We love how many decorations they put on it. You can’t miss this one!


# 6 The Jack Sparrow one

pirate house

If your kids love pirates and Jack Sparrow, this house is for them!


#5 No space left one!

full of decoration for halloween

This two-story house is decorated from top to bottom, no space left!


#4 The haunted one

haunted house for halloween


This creepy house is haunted by a lot of monsters!

#3 The frightening one

scary decorated house

If you like spider webs, skeletons and zombies, this house is for you!


#2 The artistic one

artistic house decorated for halloween

This artist turned her parents’ house into an amazing over the top Halloween decorated house. If you want to learn how she did, check out this blog.

#1 The amazing one

Best halloween decorated house


This house in West Virginia displays 3,000 carved pumpkins every year! The result is jaw-dropping.


Which one is your favorite?


Share with us a photo of your house decorated so we can post it on our social media: