How to prepare a delicious baguette in 5 minutes.

If you like crispy baguettes that are easy to make in minutes, then this recipe is for you! 

If you want to delight your children, spread butter on it and add a few pieces of milk chocolate!

It will also be a perfect accompaniment to all your cheese platters.

For baking the baguettes you will need a baguette baking pan like this (This is the one I use)

Ingredients for 4 big or 6 small baguettes:

– 39 oz of All-purpose flour

– 2 packets (¼ oz per packet) of Active Dry Yeast. I personally use the RapidRise (or quick rise yeast)

– 0,7 oz of salt 

– 4 cups and 2 tablespoons of lukewarm water



Prep:5 mins
Resting time: 1hr 30 min
Cook: 25-30 minsd
Total: 2 hrs 
Servings:4 to 6 baguettes

1- Mix the lukewarm water and the Active dry yeast together

2- Mix the all-purpose flour and the salt in a bowl

3- Add the water and active yeast mixture to the flour in 3 times and mix by hand, with a mixer or bread machine until you get a fairly sticky dough

4- Cover with a kitchen towel and let the dough rise in your oven for approximately 2 hours. The dough should double in size

5- Set your oven to 450F and place a sheet pan with water at the bottom of your oven

5- Add some parchment paper on the top of your baguette baking pan and cut your dough into 4 or 6 parts and place one piece on each part of the baking pan.

6- Take scissors or a knife and make 4 cuts on your baguette and sprinkle them with flour

7- Let the dough rise for another 30 minutes. 

8- Bake your baguette between 25 and 30 minutes depending on the cooking you prefer.

I cooked mine for 30 to 35 minutes.

Don’t forget to immediately remove your baguettes from the baking pan and to place them on a cutting board or kitchen towel.

Enjoy them while they are still warm, you can even freeze them and warm them at low temperature in the oven.