Moving can be a very stressful experience for both you and your furry friend. However, with proper preparation and planning, you can make the transition to a new state as smooth and stress-free as possible. In this article, MyNabes shares some tips to help you make the move with your pet.

Sleeping dog

Image via Pexels

Walkability for Pet Owners

When looking for your new home, consider the walkability of the neighborhood and whether it’s pet-friendly. Check out nearby parks and green spaces where you can take your dog for walks. Additionally, make sure the neighborhood is safe and has sidewalks or walking paths so you and your pet can get around easily.

Importance of Pet Vaccination

If you’re moving to a new state, you may need to provide proof of your pet’s vaccinations. Make sure your pet is up-to-date on all required vaccinations before you move. You can ask your current veterinarian for a copy of your pet’s medical records to bring with you to the new vet.

Transition to a New Veterinary

Research and connect with a new veterinarian near your new home before you move. Not only will you need to find a new vet for regular check-ups and vaccinations, but you’ll also want to have a veterinarian in case of an emergency. Reach out to the new vet and ask about their experience with your type of pet and any specific needs they may have.

Stress-Free Pet Travel

When moving to a new state with your pet, plan for their comfort during the trip. Get a secure pet carrier or seat belt harness and make frequent stops for your pet to stretch, hydrate, and go to the bathroom. Bring along their favorite bedding, toys, and treats to make the journey enjoyable for your furry friend. If flying, research the airline’s policies and consider if your pet can travel in cargo or in the cabin.

Pack Recognizable Objects

Make sure to bring your pet’s favorite toys, bedding, and treats from home to help them adjust to their new environment. The familiar scents can help calm your pet and make them feel more at ease in their new surroundings. Set up their new space with familiar items from the home to create a sense of comfort and security.

Make an Effort to Limit Your Stress

Pets can sense human emotions, including stress. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or anxious about the move, your pet may pick up on that and become more agitated. Try to keep your stress levels at a minimum and maintain a regular routine with your pet throughout the moving process. Stick to regular feeding and walking schedules to help your pet feel more secure in their new environment.

Slow Introduction

Once you’ve arrived at your new home, introduce your pet to its surroundings slowly. Start with one room and gradually expand their access to other areas of the house. Allow them to explore and sniff around at their own pace. Give them lots of love and attention to help them feel more at home.

In conclusion, moving to a new state with a pet requires careful planning and preparation. Look for a pet-friendly neighborhood, confirm your pet’s vaccinations, connect with a new veterinarian, try to keep your stress levels low, and more. With these tips, you and your furry friend can make the transition to a new state as smooth as possible.