What makes you a super Mom or a Super Dad!


Although these days Super Mom and Super Dad are both superheroes to their kids, one of the most important roles that continue to be behind the backstage is a parent. So what makes you a super Mom or a super Dad!

We hear a lot of things and we get a lot of advice on how to be a parent today but what is really a Super Mom? And a Super Dad? He or she is an extraordinary person, a superhero (or a superheroine) who is present whenever she or he can, who solves problems, who takes care of the children, who worries for them, who just loves them.

That doesn’t mean that you’re constantly present for your kids, that you’re never mad at them, that you don’t feel sometimes that you need some time alone. No, that means you’re the person who invests himself or herself in the memories of his/her children, who accompanies them in moments of happiness as in childhood sorrows. That’s also being a Super Dad or a Super Mom.

So let’s see if you qualified for this title!


Reason 1: You think of everything!

The snack in the backpack, the appointment with the pediatrician, the birthday of the best friend, the music lesson, the signature in the homework book, the papers of all kinds to go back to school or find everything that is needed for the science project… You always think of everything! Your dear toddler always arrives at school on time, with everything they need for the snack at 10 a.m. and the one at 12 p.m. Going out with his friends? It’s noted in your Super Parents diary. Holidays too. In short, it’s as if you had two brains working at the same time, but what a reward to see your children just happy!


Reason 2: Mom and/or Dad, thanks for the memories.

Yes you are busy, busy working, busy dealing with daily life, busy trying not to forget everything you have to do, but when you find time for your children you are truly there for them and ready to create incredible memories. Your children will always remember cooking with you, the song you sang before going to bed, the crazy dance you did together, all those nights you slept with them because they were sick or had a nightmare, the first time they told you about their first crush or those outdoor activities you enjoy doing with them. They will always cherish these memories and this precious time that was dedicated only to them. It doesn’t matter if you work hard, but as long as you make time for your kids, you’re a super mom or a super dad.


Reason 3: You’re always there to try to avoid disasters. 

And there are some during our children’s childhood: when you have the right reflex at the right time to avoid a fall or when they grow up to keep them from getting angry with their best friend and to give them advice in the situations they are going through because you too went through it. So they will make mistakes just like you did and still do, but thanks to you, they will be armed to react to the different situations they encounter.


Reason 4: You handled the smell

You know what smells I’m talking about. That of your pretty baby where you think he’s smiling at you when he’s doing something else. Or that of your child who brought you home the stomach flu with all the different smells that implies. There is that of puberty which leads to some discussions on the need for hygiene. In short, all those smells that go with becoming a parent.

But you did! You have passed the odor test with flying colors so far.

Reason 5: Your nerves have been tested…

You have undergone or still undergo, every day with delight, the sulks, the bickering, or even the verbal battles of your children. Children of all ages know how to play with your nerves. So yes you crack sometimes but in the end when they need you, you are there and that makes you a super dad or a super mom!

So you sometimes feel like you do things wrong, make mistakes or break down, but you love them more than anything and that’s exactly what makes you a super mom or a super dad.

BTW, we could use some of your super powers to test our app. We’re about to launch MyNabes, a parenting app with the aim to make parenting easier, inclusive, supportive and most of all fun.


MyNabes Co-Founders

Raluca and I, Elodie, have decided to create an app only for parents, to brighten your day in every possible way possible, whether it is while reading the best funny moments other parents shared with their children or by being part of a community of parents full of good advice and empathy.

The app is almost ready but we would love to get your feedback on the categories we created or on the app itself.

Contact us here if you want to test the app! contact@mynabes.com or visit